Istanbul Skating Sports Club
Istanbul Skating Sports Association
Istanbul Skating Sports Club / Istanbul Skating Sports Association
Istanbul Skating Sports Association provides figure skating, ice hockey and roller skating training with its expert training staff. In addition to initial and hobby training, it organizes advanced training in the field of skating sports within the scope of the athlete training program.
Our instructor staff consists of active licensed athletes or certified active coaches. The experience of our staff includes providing ice skating training in more than 15 private schools and some universities in Istanbul, as well as forming ice hockey teams and training figure skaters. All our training content, from hobby courses to athlete candidate courses, are prepared using international training programs.
We participate in official competitions and competitions under the brand 'Pumas of Ice'.
Our staff
Merve Tunali
Mehmet Meriç Tunali
Dilara Aydin
Onur Gülçiçek

Dinçer Öktem

Ebru Yaman

Zachary Klarke
Eren Keleş

Sporcu/Eğitmen asistanları: Hamza Demirbilek, Hüseyin Çelik, Yusuf Bozkurt, Emir Kaya
Dr. Merve TunAli / Founding President
He started skating at the age of 5 and took part in national and international competitions as a licensed athlete for many years.
Ice hockey for 15 years, Provides ice skating and roller skating training.
He attended athlete development camps in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia and worked with more than 20 different coaches, including Olympic athlete coaches.
He holds a 3rd level senior ice hockey coach certificate (Provincial Directorate of Youth Sports).
He holds a 1st level figure skating coach certificate (Provincial Directorate of Youth Sports)
oneHe served as an athlete and coach in the Under 8 Women's National Team and A National Women's Team.
He is a founding member of the Istanbul Skating Sports Association and has been the president of the association since 2015.
He is a graduate of Bilfen College, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul University and Anadolu University. He currently continues his scientific studies at Boğaziçi University and Switzerland.
He worked as a coach for the Ice Bears, one of Germany's biggest clubs.
He took courses on Movement and Training Sciences from Istanbul University Faculty of Physical Education and continues his master's degree.
Turkish Ice Hockey Federation between 2014-2018He served on the Labor Relations Board and the Education Board between 2018-2022.
He has completed 'SafeSport' (U.S.A) training against verbal and physical abuse in sports.
He has been selected as an expert in the sustainability committee of the International Ice Hockey Federation, representing our country in this field for the first time.
Dr. MehmetMeric Tunali /Education coordinator
5 with Ice Skatingyears old met, after ice skating in childhood, for a short time during their university years.with ice hockey He was interested.
He was interested in fencing for a long time. Andvarious participated in tournamentsi.
Istanbul Skating Sports Association kHe was a driver member and has been a member of the board of directors responsible for the administrative affairs of the club since 2015.
High engineer and alsoBosphorus He completed his doctorate education at the University. Request Foundation, Boğaziçi University, He graduated from Istanbul University and Anadolu University.
Ebru Yaman
1980-1994 yılları arasında aktif olarak buz pateni yapmış olup, Türkiye"nin ilk lisanslı sprocularındandır. Bu yıllar arasında küçükler, yıldızlar ve gençler kategorilerinde yurt içi ve yurt dışında bir çok yarışmaya katılmış, çeşitli dereceler almıştır.
1992-94 yılları arasında partneri Amir Babaev ile birlikte Türkiye nin ilk çiftler şampiyonu olmuşlardır. Daha sonra ki yıllarda kendi kariyerine odaklanan Ebru Yaman, 2024 yılında emekli olduktan sonra tekrar buz pistlerine antrenör olarak dönüş yapmıştır. Kulübümüzde part-time antrenör olarak çalışmaktadır.
Sırasıyla Saint Benoit Fransız Lisesi, İTÜ Endüstri Müh., MÜ Fransızca öğretmenliği ve NYU Hunter College da Eğitim görmüş Renault-Sylea Labinalle, TEB ve Ernst&Young da İnsan Kaynakları sistemleri kurulması üzerine uzman, yönetici ve danışman olarak çalışmıştır. 2024 yılında emekli olduktan sonra kariyerine kendi şirketinde danışman ve eğitmen olarak devam etmektedir.
Iyi seviyede İngilizce ve Fransızca bilmektedir. Evli ve 1 çocuk annesidir.
Dinçer Öktem
2013'ten bu yana antrenörlük yapmaktadır.
Artistik Buz Pateni, Buz Dansı ve Senkronize Buz Pateni alanlarında eğitimler vermektedir.
Almanya Oberstdorf, Polonya Torun'da Dünya Buz Pateni Federasyonu (ISU) tarafından düzenlenen çeşitli buz dansı seminerlerine katılmıştır.
İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi mezunu olup, iyi seviyede İngilizce bilmektedir.
Evli ve 1 çocuk babasıdır.
Zachary Klarke
He has experienced hockey throughout his life on the frozen lakes of the Northern Canadian region.
For many years "Pond Hockey" (GheHe played hockey (played on l).
He has been coaching for 3 seasons.
He holds a Hockey Canada level 2 coaching certificate.
His favorite teams are the Ice Pumas and the Winnipeg Jets.
Özlem Türkseroglu
He started his sports career with figure skating at the age of 9.
He continued his sports life with football during his secondary school education and participated in inter-district football tournaments and served as team captain many times. There are championship and 3rd place finishes in this process.
He has been working as an ice skating instructor since 2022 and has worked in various ice rinks.
He is a graduate of Istanbul Aydın University Medical Laboratory Techniques and has given training in application courses at the Faculty of Medicine, Vocational School of Health Services and Faculty of Health Sciences.
He continues his education at Istanbul University, Department of Business Administration.
Eren Keleş
He was introduced to ice hockey during his high school years, He has been actively working as a goalkeeper for 6 seasons.
As of this season, he has been transferred to a Super League team.
He is the founding captain and coach of Yıldız Technical University ice hockey team Yıldız Wolf Rayet.
He continues his education at Yıldız Technical University, Department of Mechatronics Engineering.
He holds a Tier 1 ice hockey coach certificate.
He has been working as a supervisor and trainer at open ice rinks in different locations in Istanbul for 4 years.